Değerli Meslektaşlarım, Bugün sizlere, Osseointegrasyon Akademisi Derneği (OSSEDER)'in, 26-28 Eylül 2024 yılında yapacağı 10.Uluslararası Osseointegrasyon Kongresi’nin ‘Kongre Başkanı’ olarak sesleniyorum. Bildiğiniz gibi OSSEDER, ülkemizin implantoloji üzerine yoğunlaşmış ilk ve tek dental derneği. Sürekli online eğitimler, seminerler, tek günlük konuşmacı akt...
To the International Conference on Advanced Esthetic Dentistry and Dental Implants to be held on 21st - 22nd October 2024 in Seoul. The Conference will witness the participation of the Academicians, Universities, Professionals and Industry experts gathering on a global platform to discuss the future prospects in . The central aim of the is to share knowledge and to enlighten about novel advancem...
We are pleased to announce the upcoming (ICEDMDI - 24), taking place on 21st - 22nd November 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium. Our conference serves as a forum for researchers, scientists, academicians, policymakers, and industry experts from all backgrounds to convene and share their expertise and insights. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in stimulating discussions, exchange ideas, and est...
Welcome to International Conference on Dental Implants and Prosthetics (ICODIP - 24), an exciting event that strives to bring together all stakeholders in the discipline of Dental Implants and Prosthetics to promote authentic and accelerated scientific research progress. At our conference, participants, keynote speakers, presenters, volunteers, and others will gain access to best-in-class resourc...
After a decade since the last FDI World Dental Congress in Asia, FDI is excited to announce its return to the largest continent in the world. Alongside CSA, we extend our warmest invitation to the global dental community and industry to join us for an extraordinary event set to exceed all expectations. Held in the financial hub of mainland China and the Asia-Pacific region, this congress promises...